Thursday, 20 June 2013


Considering the modern lifestyle, this is one of the rooms designed for his college going son. All his requirements were adjusted in a small space of 10ft x 14ft. The design considerations are elaborated here
Bed back portion of the room
The details
The study portion of the room
The wardrobe section with dressing
The analysis of form and design
 The wardrobe and the door area
Analytical explanation

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Residence of Mr Dive

Welcome to One of our projects:

Residence of  Mr Dive, Nagpur constructed 2006.

Redeveloped residence of Mr Dive is a step forward to give new identity to the building and align it with the modern living perspective.
the front view
some of our key criterias for design of the structure and elevation details.
close look of the compound wall design

Monday, 17 June 2013

what do you think?

Dear Friends
was thinking of initiating a blog which talks about design ideas, individual design efforts and outcomes. what do you think we can do at this blog
SPACEPLAN, Architects, India